After cutting out alcohol for one month or more, Michael J. McGrath, MD, licensed psychiatrist and medical director of The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center in Hawaii, says people might feel significantly more clear-headed. “You may notice an increase in mental clarity and memory, [since] alcohol use can impact concentration and memory,” he explains. Therefore, not drinking, especially for extended periods of time, can lead to significant improvements in sleep and sleep quality. “Because you may sleep more deeply when not drinking, you may notice waking up feeling sharper and more refreshed the next day,” he adds. RELATED: 12 Healthy Habits That Can Actually Help You Sleep Better Hangovers, or alcohol withdrawal, cause hormonal changes, too, which explains why we might feel so crummy after drinking. Alcohol has quite deleterious effects, as ethanol, an organic compound in alcohol, is a toxin to our body, Scheller explains. “The processes used to break [ethanol] down in our system creates byproducts that induce the feelings of a ‘hangover.’ These symptoms are the result of the body clearing out the compounds produced in the breakdown of alcohol,” she says. RELATED: What Does It Mean to Be ‘California Sober’? The Lowdown on This Buzzy Lifestyle Choice RELATED: This Is What Happens to Your Skin When You Drink Alcohol RELATED: A Non-Alcoholic Wine Guide to Prepare for Dry January and Beyond