Refrigerating Maple Syrup

Indeed, even the biggest maple syrup lovers will rarely use a whole container all at once. When unopened, pure maple syrup has a long shelf life. But once it’s opened, the exposure to oxygen means that your syrup will start to deteriorate. So what do you do with the rest of an open container? According to Erin Lynch, an expert from Maple from Canada, there are two simple rules for keeping maple syrup once it’s open:

Avoid prolonged air exposure.Keep it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Read: The pantry is not the place for your precious bottle. There’s science behind this storage method. According to research conducted by Barbara Drake at Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, the three main enemies of maple syrup are air, time, and temperature. Even if the container hasn’t been opened, the university researchers recommend placing your maple syrup in the refrigerator immediately after purchase. “If this is not possible, consider freezing the syrup,” states the report. Maple syrup packaged in tin or glass can be stored for up to one year in the refrigerator in its original container. But because plastic ‘breathes,’ the OSU experts advise repackaging an unopened or opened plastic syrup bottle into a glass jar if you plan to store it for more than three months. “If excess water is present, or if containers are not clean when filled, bacteria, yeast, or mold may grow during storage,” the study says. “Do not simply remove the mold and reheat the product. Some microorganisms produce toxins as they grow, and these toxins could make you sick. The product should be discarded.”

Maple Syrup Ideas

If you’re in search of a fun way to put almost-expired maple syrup to work, try these genius hacks from the pros at Maple from Canada. Just remember, if you see any signs of mold or spoilage, toss the remainder and start fresh.