If this sounds annoyingly familiar, chances are you’re experiencing the all-to-common phenomenon of racing thoughts. When you have racing thoughts, it feels like your mind is going 100 miles per minute—and there’s no way to pump the brakes. (In many cases, racing thoughts can lead to insomnia.) While racing thoughts can be a byproduct of clinical mental conditions like ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder, or depression, it’s often a symptom of anxiety. “Anxiety is the emotion tasked with problem-solving and responding to crises,” explains Tiffany N. Lindley, MS, LPC-S, NCC, owner of On Epiphany Lane in Dallas, Texas. “Sometimes our brains aren’t really clear on the difference between a problem and a crisis. Our fight, flight, and freeze responses [are] there to protect us from danger and create physical changes to prepare our body for battle or retreat.” But just because you experience racing thoughts doesn’t mean it always has to be this way. To help, we asked mental health professionals for their expert-approved strategies for breaking out of the cycle of detrimental racing thoughts. “One technique I use is scheduling time to think anxiously,” Lindley says. “It creates space to explore your worries while also giving them a time limit. It tricks your brain’s tendency to jump to conclusions and go into response mode.” Instead of letting those racing thoughts run rampant throughout the day, limit them to a 20-minute time slot. To establish firm boundaries, carve out time on your calendar and set a timer. Use that allocated time to focus and work through whatever is bothering you. Once the time is up, move on to an activity that brings you joy, such as cooking or working out. As Elle Woods famously said, “exercise gives you endorphins,” which has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Again, anxious thought loops aren’t something you can turn on and off. If you do encounter them during the day, WorryTree recommends writing them down in a journal so you can address them at your allocated “worry” time. Another tip: Try to schedule your “thought sessions” at the same time every day. That way you can slowly but surely work on bringing some order to your racing thoughts and regaining some sense of control. RELATED: A Psychologist Shares the Best (and Worst) Ways to Deal With Uncertainty “Racing thoughts are sometimes caused by thinking of the future and what could potentially happen,” says Bryan Bruno, MD, the medical director at Mid City TMS. “To calm them, try to ground yourself in the present moment and think about the things happening right now.” Bruno recommends combating racing thoughts with the 5-4-3-2-1 method, which encourages you to tune into your senses: “Five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste,” he explains. “This will calm your mind and give you a task to focus on.” By focusing on your senses, you can slowly but surely take your mind off of whatever’s bothering you. Speaking of pivoting your focus, deep, slow, gentle breaths can help, too. “When you breathe deeply you center your mind on one thing instead of all the racing thoughts,” Bruno adds. “This can help slow your mind and relax you, eventually allowing you to fall asleep.” RELATED: Just 10 Minutes of Daily Mindfulness Meditation Benefits People With Anxiety, Study Finds “When we’re under stress, we’re experiencing something to have negative thoughts about. Then when we experience those negative thoughts, we often lack the mental energy necessary to address them before they become negative racing thoughts,” explains Margaret DeLong, PsyD, a licensed psychologist in New Jersey. To keep those negative, racing thoughts at bay, DeLong recommends practicing gratitude. Practice replacing pessimistic worries with something you’re thankful for or something that makes you happy. “Thinking about one thing you’re grateful for helps to prevent the energy of a negative thought from turning into racing negative thoughts and spiraling out of control,” she explains. RELATED: 7 Things Not to Say to Someone With Anxiety—and How to Phrase Them Instead Another way to banish recurring thoughts is to repeat a mantra. “A mantra can distract from the racing thoughts, and the more you repeat something to yourself, the more you can implement it into your life and make it real,” Bruno adds. Reciting a mantra that reminds you that you’re in control or safe from negative situations can help put your mind at ease. “Sometimes people can try to use these coping mechanisms and they don’t work,” explains Kelley Kitley of Serendipitous Psychotherapy. “Seeking professional help or considering medication has [great results].” And it’s important to note that you should always call your doctor if you’re experiencing racing thoughts alongside mood shifts, panic attacks, strong compulsions or irritability, or depression.