Some Insta-famous so-called money coaches (of course, not all) promise big changes—and fast. Who wouldn’t be attracted to quitting their day job and following an off-the-beaten path to financial success and freedom? But let’s take a step back toward reality. According to a National Women’s Law Center analysis, nearly 2.4 million U.S. women were obligated to quit the labor force from February 2020 to February 2021. So a quick-fix financial course catches the light a bit differently for those seeking actual, necessary financial refuge. It certainly sounds attractive, but what can a mindset actually achieve? There’s nothing wrong with exploring our relationships with money—and seeking out an (accredited) financial advisor is a stellar first step to doing so. But knowing what to realistically expect is important too, so let’s iron out a few terms and find out exactly what a wealth mindset is—and how to get there in reality.

Wealth Mindset vs. Scarcity Mindset

What is a wealth mindset?

Wealth mindset—or abundant thinking—is less about what we have and more about what we believe is available to us. According to Kristen Euretig, CFP, founder and CEO of Brooklyn Plans, LLC, wealth mindset is the idea that the universe is plentiful, and our potential is unlimited. “It involves defeating self-limiting beliefs that come up around money or life goals, in general, to break past self-imposed barriers to a better way of living,” says Euretig.

What is scarcity mindset?

Scarcity mindset tells us there will never be enough—even if our bank account is stable and our bills are paid. This “not enough” feeling can result in toxic money habits or spending to feel good. Julie Prince, founder and CEO of Prince Financial Services, explains that “scarcity mindset, as it relates to personal finance, is the idea that a deal is only going to be around for a limited amount of time or an item is only going to be available at a certain price for a short time. Think Black Friday sales or an online retail shop notifying you there are only two of an item left in your size. This is oftentimes used as a sales tactic to make you think this is the only chance you have to buy their product at this super-discounted price.”

Myths About Wealth Mindset

Myth 1: You’re not enough without it.

Definitely false. A portion of life coaches actually exploit the fears woven into scarcity mindset as a marketing technique to sell their courses. By making people believe their course material is a “now or never” type of situation, it heightens the feeling that they aren’t enough without it. Coach Ali Bowman explains that when you create “certainty” and “urgency,” you’re often telling people what’s wrong with their life—and that’s not what abundant thinking is supposed to highlight. “There’s a lot of nuance in people using wealth/money to attract clients when really the work is on self-love, happiness, and confidence,” explains Bowman. “The general thing I hear [in coaching circles] is if it gets the transformation, say what it takes to get them through the door. Be careful of this type of marketing. It’s feeding on your fear.”

Myth 2: What you see is what you get.

Not always. Euretig says a major issue with influencer/coaching culture around this topic is a lack of transparency. Sometimes influencers don’t live the lifestyles they promote on social media. “I had the opportunity to peek behind the curtain of an influencer who produced this type of content and was deep in debt without a clear plan to address it,” says Euretig. “There is a difference between a mindset and a disassociation with financial reality. Improving your financial standing is hard work—emotionally and otherwise. It requires diligence and technical know-how. A mindset is important for sure, but so are knowledge, skills, and concrete actions.”

Myth 3: Huge financial changes will take place in months.

For most people, this isn’t true. The margins of wealth shared by several coaches on Instagram are frequently exaggerated and fail to acknowledge certain privileges they hold. Jocellyn Harvey, a writer and former coach, says it can be misleading when coaches promise so much so quickly in their courses. She stresses that a coach shouldn’t really promise anything. And one of the most unrealistic marketing points that some “guarantee” is timing (i.e., earn a certain amount of money within six months). “It’s not 100 percent impossible to double or triple your income that quickly,” Harvey says. “But it doesn’t happen for many people. I think that can leave clients feeling frustrated when they follow up the steps and life stays the same. These claims don’t take into consideration all a person has done and been through before to get to where they are now.”

Practical Ways to Use Wealth Mindset

Heal the foundation.

When used wisely, wealth mindset is an effective tool for healing our relationship to money and can help us shift out of scarcity mindset. For many of us, money is linked to stress and fear, which can stand in the way of ever truly feeling free in a financial sense. “Achieving your long-term financial goals starts with shifting your mindset on money,” Prince says. “While it’s not the only step you’ll need to take, it is one in the right direction.”

Save with gratitude and spend with intention.

Harvey suggests creating a vision board with photos of what you actually want. Leave the photos alone for a few days, or even weeks. Take a breath and check in with how you feel. She explains that sometimes, you may find you don’t want the item you pined for. You may discover that you’re truly happy with what you have already. In this instance, saving is a byproduct of gratitude—not fear. Other times, you may find, after a waiting period, that you actually do want the item. Instead of making an impulsive purchase, Harvey explains that you have tapped into something more purposeful here: intentional spending. “When we spend for the sake of spending, it becomes a slippery slope which doesn’t actually serve our emotional or financial wellbeing,” says Harvey. Intention and gratitude are great ways to practice wealth mindset.

Wealth Mindset for the Long Haul

A Lifetime Process

Achieving financial wellness is not a one-off deal. It’s something you have to work on and build into your life until it becomes a habit. Harvey clarifies that once you have a good foundation financially, you can make note of your progress. “But don’t think after taking one money mindset course that you’ll never have issues again,” Harvey urges. “This type of thinking keeps people in course after course because they mistakenly think they’re doing something wrong.”

Every Path Is Unique

Prince believes there are multiple paths to making financial improvements. “Everyone’s financial picture looks a little different, so there isn’t one hard or fast rule on how to achieve financial wellness,” Prince explains. “However, for someone looking to improve their financial health, implementing habits like not spending more than you earn, setting up an emergency savings fund, paying off debt, and saving for retirement are all good places to start.” Keep in mind that achieving these habits and goals takes time and can’t be done overnight. It’s important to be patient with yourself if you’re just getting started.

Confrontation Is Empowerment

When financial issues seem overwhelming, it can be difficult to confront them head-on. For many, this can feel like a shameful experience. Kristen Euretig reassures anyone in this situation that a lot of people struggle with fear and shame when confronting their finances, and dealing with them is really the best confidence booster of all. Wealth mindset acknowledges that there’s more than enough in the universe. When used properly, with a credentialed advisor, it can be an empowering tool that can heal financial wounds and set the foundation for new financial patterns. In the end, it’s about self-love and worthiness. It’s an idea—not magic. Wealth mindset can’t replace action. It can’t replace the task of making smart financial choices within an imbalanced system—or confronting any number of financial crises.