How to Make Infused Liquors

You don’t have to be a mixologist to create a great infusion. In fact, it’s pretty simple. A good rule of thumb when infusing liquor at home is to add your sliced ingredients into the bottle and store it in a cool, dark place for a minimum for 24 hours.However, it’s also important to know how specific ingredients work with certain liquors. For instance, spirits like vodka and gin are way more versatile than whiskey and tequila. Keep these few tips in mind when making your own infused liquors at home. Now that you know the basics, read on for specific tips on how to infuse specific liquors, like vodka, tequila, and more.

How to Make Vodka Infusions

Vodka is one of the most popular liquors to infuse because it can take on pretty much any flavor—it’s basically a blank canvas. Depending on the ingredients you choose, you can craft something with a subtle, delicate flavor, or something strong and sweet. If you’re planning on using fruit in your infusion, a good rule of thumb is to let it steep for at least 24 hours. In fact, the longer the fruit soaks, the better it will taste. Here are some ideas for vodka infusions:

How to Make Tequila Infusions

Tequila comes in many varieties, and it’s important to note that some take on flavors better than others. Mezcal is known for its bold, smoky flavor, and tastes great in cocktails, but it’s not the best for infusing. Like vodka, tequila blanco wonderfully takes on fruit, citrus, and herb flavors. Here are some ideas for tequila infusions:

How to Make Whiskey or Bourbon Infusions

When it comes to infusing whiskey or bourbon, the most common mistake is using any bottle you have laying around. While you may not want to use something too expensive or rare, you should still make sure to use a high-proof, quality whiskey. It’ll yield the best results.

How to Make Gin Infusions

The sky is the limit when infusing gin. This is because it’s such a delicate spirit, so any type of fruit, herb, or food you steep will come through beautifully. Countless cocktails are made with gin as the main ingredient, and they’re only further enhanced when using a delicious, infused version of the spirit.