Luckily, cleaning these items correctly isn’t too difficult—most just require a spray or wipe with a diluted bleach solution (1 tablespoon liquid chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of water). Here are five of the most commonly contaminated things in your kitchen, plus the right way to wash them. Safety note: If you decide to disinfect with a diluted bleach mixture, be careful not to combine bleach with any other cleaners, including dish soap, as it can produce a toxic gas. Store bleach where it can’t be found by children or pets. How to clean a can opener: After each use, clean the can opener with dish soap and water. For extra disinfecting power, wipe the can opener with the bleach solution (1 tablespoon liquid chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of water) or a store-bought disinfectant, then let air dry. First, invest in at least two cutting boards: one for meat and fish, and another for fruits and vegetables. Keeping these boards separate will help cut down on potential cross-contamination. How to clean a cutting board: Consult our complete cleaning guide. For the board used to prepare meat, either spray or wipe it down with a diluted bleach mixture (see above) and then rinse thoroughly with water and let air dry. For the other board, wash thoroughly with dish soap and hot water. How to clean a countertop: Start by wiping down the countertop and cleaning it as you normally would to remove debris and spills. Once the surface looks visibly clean, it’s time to disinfect. Spray or wipe down the surface with the diluted bleach mixture above or a store-bought disinfectant for kitchen surfaces. Note: Follow the “contact time” (how long the product has to sit on the surface) specified on the label before wiping away. How to wash dish towels: Ideally, use a clean dishcloth daily. After each use, rinse it thoroughly and let air dry. If you use the cloth to wipe the floor or another unclean surface, run it through the laundry before using it to dry dishes again. How to clean the drain: Every week, try this: Pour 1 cup of hot water down the drain, followed by 1 cup of undiluted bleach. Let stand overnight. This will sanitize the drain and keep unpleasant odors at bay.